Wedding Countdown

Guest post by: Georgia Selih at highstylife.com

The Wedding Countdown: The Last 3 Weeks

Wedding planning takes a long time. There are thousands of things to think about and only so much time to do it. But if you manage your time well, you should be able to get it all done in time for the big day. Or – close to it. Because you don’t really want to leave anything for last minute, do you? So as the last few weeks come to a close, here are the things you should do to make sure you are completely ready and that there won’t be any unplanned surprises.

Three weeks till the wedding

You’ve got about a month to go, and most of the “big” things should be finalised. The arrangements for the venue, catering and floral décor should be done. If you want to add any extra details, like hiring a car, making sure your band or DJ have the right repertoire and deciding exactly how the cake is going to look, now is the time. You don’t want to wait any longer with these arrangements, because all of the service providers need to know the exact date ahead of time to be able to plan and offer you the best possible service. You also want to look into all the paperwork, marriage license and anything that might take some time that is outside of your control. If you have any people who haven’t RSVP’d, you should get in touch with them and see if they will be attending so that you have your final guest list all figured out.

Two weeks till the wedding

Now the wedding is really getting close, and it’s time to tie up anything you have left, because the last week shouldn’t have any planning involved. This is the time to make sure your entire look is quite perfect. You should have your final dress fitting, and your bridesmaids should do the same. You need to do a test run of the hair and makeup to see if there is anything you’ll want to change for the big day. Make sure you wear the look for a day to see whether your hairstyle stays in place and if there are any details about your makeup that bug you. You can look for wedding shoes online where there is a huge selection and find something that will go with your look. Make sure you wear your shoes around the house whenever you can to break them in. You also want to make sure you have a selection of jewellery and try on several different combinations to find the perfect one. If your jewellery is old, you should get it professionally cleaned so it sparkles and shines on the big day.

One week till the wedding

This last week, what you should do is: absolutely nothing. Calm down. You’ve been running around getting everything done for months, and it is time for your very well deserved break. Firstly, you want to take your bridesmaids and treat yourselves to a spa day. Get massages, facials and spend a day completely relaxed and pampered. Throughout the week, make sure you moisturize your skin and take care of it. Any beauty interventions like waxing and facials should be done about three to five days before the wedding, so any redness on your skin has time to die down.

Most importantly, you want to spend some quality time with your partner. You’ve probably not had that much time together with all the preparations going on, so you will want to fix that. Try to get away from all distractions by going on a weekend getaway, a camping trip, or simply switching off your phones every evening and spending time together reminding each other why you want to spend the rest of your lives together. If you are planning a rehearsal dinner, this is the time, and if you have any doubts or questions about the organisation, you should talk about it at your final meeting with your wedding coordinator.

And then you will wake up, and you will realise that it’s the day of your wedding. All of your nerves will reach their peak, but it’s okay, because your squad will be there with you throughout, and every negative thought will go away as you start walking down the aisle. If you do all of your prep correctly, your wedding will go smoothly and the little kinks that are bound to happen won’t even be noticeable.


Images: All images are sourced from Unsplash

Author Bio: Georgia Selih is an author highstylife.com. By nature an artist, by profession a journalist. An irreparable print lover who is enjoying this hot digital affair.

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